There are several animal shelters in Penang; each doing their best for a common goal; the well being of our stray friends on the streets. At PASS we recognize that a multi-prong approach; working alongside with the different stake holders including the private establishments, the general public as well as the local authorities is the best way moving forward towards a stray free Penang.

What we do
The Penang Animal Sanctuary Society (PASS) is a non-profit organization which targets to provide shelter to strays and abandoned animals.
With the moving in of our very first resident, operations have officially started! As we continue to implement new initiatives and rescue, there would also be the daily expense required to maintain our current efforts in keeping the strays safe and educating the public on our goals and mission. Therefore, we are counting on kind hearted strangers who share our love for these fury kids!
With the estimated hundreds of strays that the sanctuary will be caring for, full time helpers will be needed on top of our volunteers. PASS intends to provide training and job opportunities to the willing lower rig of the society, allowing them a second chance at rebuilding their lives.
Children are the future pillars of our society and like sponges; they are soaking up environmental cues and experiences every second of the day! What better way is there to prevent stray abuse and promote love and compassion for all man and animal kind than through education?
There is something for everyone as extra help is constantly needed so an additional pair of hands is always welcome! If you happen to be a vet, groomer, photographer or simply love animals and believe that you could contribute to the awareness of PASS or the wellness of our fury friends, we want you! Anyone can be a volunteer with no minimum requirements; all you need is a few hours in a week to spare.